Perfect for Beginners, Children, Seniors, and anyone who doesn't want to lose another disc in the water!
Beginners and children may not have much fun when they can not get the disc to flip up and fly like it is supposed do. Lightweight discs allow you to get that beautiful flight out of a disc right away and will help you enjoy the game much more due to the extra distance you will get from a ultra lightweight disc!
Molded by Gateway in Baseline plastic that offers a great grip in any conditions.
Disc Golf Is Our Passion, Let Us Share It With You
At GolfDisco, disc golf isn't just a game - it's our way of life. As a family-owned and operated store in sunny South Florida, we are dedicated to sharing our passion for disc golf with everyone we meet. Shop the best disc golf brands and discover exclusive triple foil designs in our Original Collection. Check out our selection of new releases and upcoming releases, let's tee off together and make every throw count!