The Photon is a stable-overstable high speed distance driver.
The Photon is best described as a longer Tesla, with power throwers able to achieve some flight extending turn, and all throwers getting a reliable fade. The Photon is naturally headwind resistant but average power throwers can use a headwind to emulate those extended flights of high power throwers.
This disc is stable but no overly stable I like it for big turnover forehand shots RHFH that glide left but then is stable enough at the end to come back to straight for big turnover turnover shots
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At GolfDisco, disc golf isn't just a game - it's our way of life. As a family-owned and operated store in sunny South Florida, we are dedicated to sharing our passion for disc golf with everyone we meet. Shop the best disc golf brands and discover exclusive triple foil designs in our Original Collection. Check out our selection of new releases and upcoming releases, let's tee off together and make every throw count!