With flight numbers of 5 | 5 | -3 | 0.5, the Uplink will be carving touch anhyzers or sweet hyzer-flips through the woods for experienced players. Lower arm speed players will find the Uplink to be an extremely straight and controllable midrange — something they can learn the game with. Whether you’re looking for a disc to help your scrambles and approaches, or something to complement your finesse touch game, the Uplink has you covered. Unlock new lines for your game with the Uplink today!
Mike Sanders Thanks KJ and Sue for another smooth transaction as always,appreciate you.
Jeff Well packed and nicely delivered.
Evan Peace Golf Disco has some of the best in house designed stamps on discs! As always the discs arrived well packaged and was shipped quickly.
roberto Great quality stamp and design ✅
Mike Sanders Thanks for always taking care of me KJ and Sue!!!