The Kastaplast Glow Reko is the perfect disc for straight putts and approaches, or if you want to give it some hyzer for drives, the Reko will turn over gently. It's a true go-to putter and an absolute staple in many players’ bags!
The Reko has a comfortable rounded profile and a smooth bead that fits most hands with ease – making it easy to grip and throw. Plus,.its strengthened shoulder gives it extra durability when faced with more force than your average putter can handle.
Reko is Swedish for good, reliable or decent, which we think is perfect for this disc. After all, who couldn't use more reliability - especially when it comes to throwing discs? So go ahead and pick up your own Kastaplast Glow Reko today – you won't be disappointed!
The Glow Reko will give you reliable putts, in the dark of night!