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MVP Fission Plastic: Revolutionizing Disc Technology

MVP Fission Plastic: Revolutionizing Disc Technology

Unleash the Power of MVP Fission Plastic Disc Technology

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  • Fission Plastic is a revolutionary disc golf technology developed by MVP Disc Sports and Axiom Discs.
  • Utilizes microbubble technology to create ultralight discs without sacrificing durability.
  • Offers enhanced grip, stability, and distance compared to traditional lightweight plastics.
  • Suitable for players of all skill levels, from beginners to professionals.
  • Available in a wide range of popular MVP and Axiom disc models, including distance drivers, fairway drivers, and midranges.


In the world of disc golf, things are always changing because of new tech. A big change has been using lighter plastics that make it easier for players to throw farther with less effort. But finding a way to do this without losing strength was tough – until now. MVP Disc Sports and Axiom Discs have come up with an amazing answer called Fission plastic. This special mix brings together the best parts of lightweight plastics and their top-notch premium plastics, giving players both ease in throwing and lasting durability. Fission plastic is a game-changing material that has been used to create MVP's MVP Fission plastic discs, which offer an extreme amount of grip and are relatively soft. This makes them ideal for midranges and drivers, as the exceptional grip allows for a clean release and a ton of control on the course.

GolfDisco Fission Fireball, Fission Rhythm, and Fission Wave

Exploring the Evolution of Disc Golf Technology

In their quest to make discs fly farther and perform better, disc makers have been constantly on the lookout for new materials. This search has brought about a variety of plastic blends, each offering different advantages.

At first, the focus was on making discs that could last a long time. Plastics like Innova's Champion and Discraft's Z plastic were among the top choices for durable discs. But then, people started wanting lighter discs that could still do well in games. So, manufacturers got creative with technology to make lightweight plastics that didn't lose out on performance too much. However, these lighter options sometimes weren't as tough or steady as their heavier counterparts.

The rise of MVP & Axiom in disc golf innovation

Since 2010, MVP Disc Sports has really made a splash with something they call Gyro Technology. It's pretty cool; they take two types of plastic – one that's tough for the outside and another softer kind for the inside – and put them together to make disc golf discs that fly super straight and stable. The way these plastics are combined lets them tweak how heavy or light the disc is in different spots, which means you can count on it flying just like you want. Additionally, MVP has also introduced their Axiom line, featuring their premium GLOW material called Eclipse™ Glow Proton. This material allows for the brightest and longest lasting glow discs, perfect for night golf. With their innovative designs and use of glow technology, MVP and Axiom have risen to the top in disc golf innovation.

In 2012, MVP started up Axiom Discs as part of their family, sticking to their guns about being all innovative in disc golf. Axiom brings out discs that not only use new kinds of materials but also look unique, aiming at players who want something special in how their discs feel and move through the air.

MVP and Axiom together are always on top of bringing new stuff to disc golfers everywhere. They're constantly working on making better products like Fission plastic - this amazing material makes lighter weight discs possible without losing quality or performance.

Axiom Fission Defy is the Newest disc to get the Fission Treatment!

Key milestones in disc material technology

When lightweight plastics came into the disc golf scene, they really changed the game. Players could now throw farther with less effort and have better control over their discs. Innova was one of the pioneers in this area with its Blizzard Champion plastic back in 2008, making durable yet light discs.

But there were some bumps along the way. The first versions of these lightweight plastics weren't always reliable; they'd often wear out quickly or not fly as expected. With an eye on fixing these issues, MVP and Axiom set out to make a new kind of lightweight plastic that didn't sacrifice quality or performance.

In comes Fission plastic in 2014, which turned things around for good by using microbubble technology combined with Gyro overmold tech from MVP and Axiom themselves. This blend made Fission discs not just light but also super tough - something earlier versions struggled to be at once. Now available for all sorts of players thanks to being offered in lighter weight classes too, it's clear that Fission has truly reshaped what we expect from our disc golf gear when it comes to durability, ease-of-use, and advanced disc physics.

Understanding MVP & Axiom Fission Plastic

Fission plastic is different from other lightweight plastics because it solves the usual problems they have, like not being tough or stable enough. The companies MVP and Axiom do this with their special microbubble technology, creating micro-sized bubbles within the core of the disc. This allows for about 85% of the weight to be on the rim, making each Fission disc fly similar to a disc that weighs 15 to 20 grams heavier. Understanding MVP and Axiom Fission plastic is crucial for disc golfers looking to improve their game.

Thanks to this cool method, the core of the disc ends up really light, which lets them make a heavier outer layer compared to the middle but still keep the whole thing pretty light. What does all this mean? You get lightweight discs for playing disc golf that are also super tough and steady in flight, plus they can glide really well - something you don't often see together in these kinds of products. Our Eclipse™ Glow Proton plastic discs are a perfect example of this technology, with a bright white outer ring that glows in the dark for added visibility and fun on the course.

What sets Fission Plastic apart?

The magic behind Fission plastic's amazing performance is all about what it's made of. Instead of using big air bubbles like other lightweight plastics do to cut down on weight, Fission goes for something called microbubble technology. This means during the making process, they mix in tons and tons of tiny bubbles, imperceptible weight reduction microbubbles, into the plastic. This allows for an ultralight core with evenly distributed weight reduction, resulting in an even higher GYRO™ overmold density relative to the core. This makes Fission plastic discs perfect for players in the lighter weight classes, ranging from 135g to 165g in the Photon.

With these little bubbles spread out everywhere inside, the disc doesn't weigh as much but still keeps its tough structure. Because it's so light inside, there’s room to make the edges heavier which makes the disc more stable and long-lasting.

On top of that, this microbubble tech makes Fission plastic smoother than other lightweight options out there. So when you throw a Fission disc, it glides through the air super smoothly with less drag holding it back - meaning it flies faster and farther.

The science behind Fission Plastic's design

Fission plastic is all about MVP and Axiom showing off their skills in making discs that are not only light but also perform really well. They've figured out a way to make the core of the disc super light with their innovative core plastic technology, without losing any of the good stuff like how far it can go, how long it lasts, and how easy it is to control.

With Fission technology, these discs break away from what you'd usually expect from lighter ones. The magic happens when they mix this ultralight core with a special outer layer called an overmold. This overmold has even higher gyro density relative to the core, allowing for an even higher GYRO™ overmold density relative to the core. By putting extra weight on the edges of the disc, they boost its stability and spinning action. The science behind Fission Plastic's design is truly innovative and allows for a unique combination of weight reduction and stability in the lighter weight classes.

This careful crafting makes sure that Fission discs fly straight as intended without flipping over too much when thrown hard. Plus, this added steadiness helps fight off any wobbliness you might see in other lightweight discs, making them great for anyone no matter their throwing style or experience level.

Comparing Fission to other MVP plastic types

To truly appreciate the uniqueness of Fission plastic, let's compare it to other popular MVP plastic types: Neutron, Proton, and Electron. Each plastic type offers a distinct blend of grip, durability, and flexibility, catering to different player preferences and throwing styles.

Plastic Type









Premium blend known for its durability and bright colors, offering a balance of grip and stiffness.





Renowned for its exceptional durability and long-lasting nature, Proton plastic provides a firm grip and maintains its flight characteristics over time.





Designed for enhanced grip and a softer feel, Electron plastic offers moderate durability and tends to season gradually with use.





Combines the durability of Neutron and Proton with enhanced grip and added glide due to its microbubble core.

Fission plastic distinguishes itself by combining the durability characteristics of Neutron and Proton with the added benefit of enhanced grip and glide. Its microbubble core results in a lighter disc, while the overmold technology ensures stability and durability comparable to MVP's premium plastic offerings.

Benefits of Fission Plastic Discs for Players

Fission plastic is a game-changer for all kinds of disc golf players. Whether you're just starting out and want to throw further with less effort, or you're an experienced player aiming for that extra edge in competitions, this material has got your back. By cleverly mixing microbubble technology into their special overmold process, MVP and Axiom have tackled the usual problems seen with lightweight plastics, making Fission a top choice in the lightweight plastics arena.

This means the discs don't just go farther; they also fly in a way that's easy to predict and last longer than what most are used to. So, if getting more distance has been tough for you or if you're looking to step up your game with something reliable yet advanced, Fission plastic by MVP and Axiom brings together durability, lightweight design, and top-notch performance features perfectly.

Enhanced grip and durability

One big plus of Fission plastic is how well you can hold onto it. Thanks to microbubble technology, it has a bit of texture that makes sure the disc doesn't slip from your hand, even when it's wet outside. This is way better than other lightweight plastics which tend to be slippery and hard to keep a grip on, especially if the weather's damp or rainy.

On top of that, Fission plastic keeps being super tough just like Proton plastic - MVP and Axiom’s toughest kind. The strong overmold part helps protect the disc from getting banged up or scratched too much. So no matter how many times you throw it, this disc isn’t going to show much damage at all. For anyone playing—no matter if they're just starting out or have been at it for years—this means their discs are really built to last through lots of games without wearing down. Fission plastic is the most durable plastic offered by MVP and Axiom, making it the perfect choice for players who want a disc that can withstand rough conditions and maintain its performance.

So whether you’re throwing hard against the wind or trying carefully not get caught in trees with your shot approach shots , knowing your disc is made out of Fission material gives you peace mind because It stands up well under pressure . Its great durability along with its ability not slip make fision an excellent choice for those looking reliable gear will consistently do job across variety conditions

Performance advantages in various weather conditions

Fission plastic really stands out because it works great no matter the weather, which is perfect for players who need their discs to perform consistently. In hot weather, this plastic stays nicely soft and flexible, giving you a good grip and making sure the disc flies like you expect.

When things get tough with strong winds or lots of rain, Fission discs hold up incredibly well. Thanks to its sturdy overmold that keeps damage at bay and smart weight distribution that fights off wind resistance, these discs stay stable. This mix of toughness and steadiness means Fission is a go-to choice for anyone not wanting bad weather to mess up their game.

Even in cold conditions, Fission plastic keeps its shape and how it flies pretty much the same as usual. It might feel a bit less bendy when it's chilly out there but don't worry – this hardly affects how well the disc performs overall.

The impact on disc stability and flight patterns

A lot of people think that just because plastic is light, it means it's not as strong or stable as the heavier stuff. But Fission plastic proves them wrong by being both super light and really steady. The secret behind this mix is MVP and Axiom's cool overmold technology.

With this tech, they put more weight around the edge of the disc which helps keep it from flipping over too much, a common problem with lighter discs when you throw them hard. Plus, since the middle part is lighter, you can swing your arm faster and make the disc go further without losing grip on where it's headed.

For those who play a lot or are just starting out, Fission discs are great because they fly in a way you can predict. This makes them perfect for long throws or tricky shots close to targets. With Fission plastic in hand, players get to enjoy throwing their discs far and accurately thanks to its balance between being lightweight yet stable enough for any kind of shot.

Iconic Discs Featuring MVP & Axiom Fission Plastic

MVP and Axiom have a great selection of famous discs made with Fission plastic, which suits different playing styles and preferences. Distance drivers such as the MVP Tesla and Axiom Crave are even better when made from Fission plastic because they let players throw far easily without losing control.

For those who like fairway drivers, the MVP Volt and Axiom Envy crafted in Fission plastic offer an impressive mix of glide, stability, and control. This makes them perfect for making long shots with precision. On top of that, midranges like the MVP Reactor and Axiom Fireball in Fission plastic are fantastic choices for both gentle approach shots and steady drives, with their iconic discs featuring excellent grip and flex in the Plasma material.

Highlighting popular models and their unique features

For those looking to throw farther with less effort, distance drivers made of fission plastic are a game-changer. This material adds an extra boost of glide and speed. Take the MVP Photon for example; it's a well-liked long-range driver that's stable and easy to control. When made from fission plastic, it flies even further without needing as much power behind your throw. The Axiom Mayhem is another one – it’s quick and tends to curve strongly (overstable), but in fission plastic, you can toss it straighter more easily.

With putters, which are usually chosen for how accurately they fly rather than their distance or speed, using fission plastic might not seem like an obvious move at first glance. But both MVP and Axiom have come up with some great lightweight options perfect for closer shots or when you need precision over power. The MVP Atom gets even better at making careful throws close to the basket thanks to its sensitivity in this lighter material while still flying straight as an arrow; similarly, the Envy from Axiom stays steady whether you're aiming directly at the basket or trying something trickier from afar.

Midrange discs benefit hugely too since they’re all about versatility - being good at lots of different kinds of throws - and Fission makes them shine brighter by adding range without sacrificing accuracy.

The Reactor by MVP turns into something special with Fisson: think super-straight flights ending exactly where you want them every time.

And then there’s the Theory by Axiom – already dependable for its consistent performance no matter what kind of shot you’re going for becomes just that bit more versatile because now it goes further too thanks again

to that added lift provided by being crafted out of Fisson Plastic

Player testimonials and disc selection tips

Players from all walks of life, whether they're just playing for fun or competing professionally, have really taken to Fission plastic because it brings a lot into the game. They've found that these discs can fly further, are easier to hold onto especially when it's wet outside, and last longer than many would expect.

For those who love how light Fission discs are, they say this makes their throws go faster and farther while still being easy to control. This is great news for anyone looking to up their game without having to change too much about how they throw. And in terms of grip? Even on rainy days, people feel more confident throwing a Fission disc compared with others that might slip right out of their hand.

When you're thinking about getting one of these discs for yourself, think about what kind of throws you like doing and what weight feels good in your hands. For example if you usually go for fairway drivers that weigh between 165-170 grams but want something lighter so it goes further; try a fission disc around 160-165 grams instead! Or if putting is more your thing and you prefer putters on the heavier side (around 170-175 grams), picking up a slightly lighter fisson putter could make those close shots even smoother without feeling too different from what you’re used to.

It’s always smart trying out various shapes and weights until finding exactly the right fit - after all every player has unique preferences which means there's no one-size-fits-all answer here!

How Axiom Fission Technology is Changing the Game

Axiom's jump into Fission technology has really changed the game in sports, showing us new possibilities with lightweight discs. They've taken material science and disc design to a whole new level, creating an entirely new type of lightweight disc that makes people think twice about what they knew before.

With this tech, players don't have to pick between light discs that might not last or heavier ones that can cut down on how far they throw. Thanks to Fission technology, you get discs that are not only light but also tough and consistent in how they perform. This is great news for everyone playing the sport, no matter if you're just starting out or have been at it for years.

Innovations in disc design and performance

The way Fission technology has changed the game in disc design and how they perform is pretty cool. Axiom mixed this tiny bubble tech with their special overmold process, making a brand new kind of lightweight disc that's really impressive. This led to creations like the Fission Reactor, a midrange disc known for its awesome glide and ability to fly straight even though it's super light. The Reactor is the newest addition to MVP's lineup, and its unique design and performance make it a standout disc in the Fission plastic series.

With the arrival of Fission plastic, people are thinking differently about which discs to pick. Before, some players stayed away from lighter discs because they were worried they wouldn't last or stay stable. But now, thanks to Fission technology, these same players are finding out that these lighter discs can actually handle fast speeds and tough conditions without losing any performance. This innovation in disc design and performance has been a game changer for many players, allowing them to confidently throw lightweight discs and improve their game. And with DZDiscs offering a discount on first orders, there's no better time to try out the latest in Fission technology.

On top of all that, this technology is opening doors for designing discs in new ways. Since the material is so light, there's more room to play around with how the disc is shaped. This means Axiom can try out different designs that cut through air better and take what a disc can do up another notch.

Future prospects of Axiom Fission in competitive disc golf

Looking ahead, Axiom Fission is set to make a big splash in the world of competitive disc golf. With more and more players getting hooked on the impressive range, long-lasting quality, and control that Fission discs bring to the game, it's clear their role in pro tournaments is only going to get bigger. By mixing cutting-edge disc technology with a lighter build, these discs might just change how top-level players pick their gear.

With Fission plastic in play, competitors can throw farther without putting in as much work thanks to its superior glide. This benefit really stands out when playing under tough wind conditions because the special overmold tech keeps these discs stable instead of flipping over.

As Axiom works on making even better versions of their Fission line by adding this groundbreaking material into different types of discs, we're likely to see an uptick in its use among those who play at a high level. The blend of being light yet strong and performing so well makes Axiom’s Fission products key contenders within the dynamic scene of competitive disc golf.


With MVP and Axiom's Fission Plastic technology, disc golf is getting a cool upgrade. This tech makes the discs easier to grip, more durable, and they perform better no matter the weather. The special design of these Fission Plastic discs also changes how stable they are in the air and their flight paths, giving players an advantage during games. There are some famous models out there that really show off what these discs can do because lots of players have praised them for their standout features. As disc golf tech keeps getting better, Axiom Fission is at the front of it all with its cutting-edge designs and performance improvements. If you're looking for top-notch quality in your game gear, picking Fission Plastic will definitely make a noticeable difference on the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Fission Plastic discs over other materials?

Fission plastic is really cool because it's both light and tough at the same time. This special mix means you can throw it far and fast without losing any of the control or steadiness you'd usually get from heavier discs. With fission plastic, getting more glide and distance is a breeze, all while keeping everything easy to handle.

Can beginners benefit from using Fission Plastic discs?

For sure, the fission discs are so lightweight that they're a breeze to throw and handle. This means beginners can toss them far without having to try too hard. On top of that, their stability is great for helping newbies get the hang of throwing techniques properly.

How to care for and maintain Fission Plastic discs?

Fission discs are pretty easy to take care of because they're made tough. But, just like any other disc, if they get dirty, you should clean them using gentle soap and water. To make sure they last a long time without problems, keep them away from very hot or cold temperatures.

Where to purchase MVP & Axiom Fission Plastic discs?

At GolfDisco, we're excited to bring you a wide range of MVP and Axiom Discs. Our collection includes all weight ranges and many color options. Plus, we love adding our exclusive Triple Foil designs. You might just find your favorite fission disc with one of our unique GolfDisco Triple Foil designs. Whether you're looking for standard models or our special MVP Triple Foil Discs, we've got you covered!

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